Key Features
- Wilted leaves
- Brown leaf tips
- Reduction in growth
All plants are susceptible to drought, but some species are more susceptible, especially shade-loving plants grown in full sun. Plant damage from drought typically starts at the tip of the leaves moving down. Also, outer areas show symptoms before the inner areas. Symptoms include wilting, decreased growth, thinning of the plant, yellowing of leaves. Pot-bound plants may often show drought in the pot, or if these plants were transplanted without breaking up the root ball.
Drought is a period without precipitation, during which the water content of the soil is reduced so that trees can no longer get sufficient moisture for normal processes. Long term drought describes conditions in which water deficits persist and occur over a period of several years, whereas short-term drought refers to a single season of water deficiency.
Management Recommendations
Supplemental watering during dry conditions is important for reducing the effects of drought stress. Water plants whenever rainfall is insufficient for extended periods, especially on newly transplanted annuals and perennials and those less established. As a rule of thumb, plants must receive an inch of water per week during the growing season. Where drought is a problem due to reduced rainfall or extremely sandy soils, utilize drought resistant annuals, like portulaca, and drought resistant perennials, like Artemesia, lavender, hardy ice plant, sedums, sempervivens, thymes.
Effective Pesticides
Pesticides are neither available nor recommended for managing this condition.