

Key Features

  • Leaves and shoots drooping
  • Can be due to root rot
  • May be due drought
Wilting sunflower due to white mold
Euphorbia wilting from Phytophthora crown rot


Wilt is the drooping of leaves and stems due to a lack of water. Wilt can be caused by drought, injury, insect damage, or disease. Wilting can even be caused by flooding if the roots remained submerged for too long and die. If the cause is not corrected, drooping leaves may begin to die from the tip and edges. Eventually, the affected plant or section of the plant will die.

Root rot is often an underlying cause of wilting
Underwatering is a primary cause of wilt!


Wilt is caused by drought, pathogens, root rots, and/or problems that interfere with the uptake or transport of water through the plant. This includes anything that causes root death, destroys or plugs the stem, or leaf veins. Look for additional signs and symptoms beyond wilting leaves.

Management Recommendations

Varies depending on the cause.

Effective Pesticides

Pesticides are neither available nor recommended for managing this disease.

landscape report
Purdue Landscape Report
Plant & Pest Diagnostic Laboratory